gawk-csv: CSV extension for GNU awk

Version: 1.0.0 , license: GPLv3+
Requires: gawk API 1.1+, gawkextlib


The gawk-csv package extends gawk with facilities to read, parse, compose and write CVS records and files.


This is the CSV extension. Can be used to manage CSV records and files. Basic features are as follows.

Individual CSV and AWK records, stored as strings, can be managed with the following functions:

  awk_record = csvconvert(csv_record)
  csv_record = csvformat(awk_record)

  num_fields = csvsplit(csv_record, array_of_fields)
  csv_record = csvcompose(array_of_fields)

Whole CSV files can be processed with a special CSV input mode. This mode is enabled or disabled by a predefined CSVMODE control variable. By setting CSVMODE = 1 input records are parsed as CVS ones, and their fields are delivered as $1, $2, ... $NF.

The CSV input mode can process records with multiline fieds. I.e., accepts fields with embedded newlines.

There are also optional arguments and predefined variables that can be used to specify the particular field separator of the AWK records and alternate CSV field delimiter and quoting characters.


Manuel Collado <>


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Auk picture extracted from "The New Student's Reference Work" (1914) - now public domain.